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Finding Comfort: Exploring Scleral Lenses for Dry Eye Relief

To explore the benefits of scleral lenses for dry eye relief, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what they are and how they work.

What are Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are large, gas-permeable contact lenses that are specially designed to vault over the entire cornea and rest on the sclera, the white part of the eye. Unlike traditional contact lenses, which sit directly on the cornea, scleral lenses provide a protective cushion of fluid between the lens and the cornea. This unique design offers several advantages, making it an ideal option for individuals with various eye conditions.

Scleral lenses are custom-made to fit each individual’s eye shape and provide a comfortable and secure fit. They are typically larger in diameter than other contact lenses, ranging from 14 to 24 millimeters. The larger size ensures that the lens remains stable on the eye, reducing the chances of dislodgement or discomfort.

How Do Scleral Lenses Work?

The key mechanism behind the effectiveness of scleral lenses lies in their ability to create a reservoir of fluid between the lens and the cornea. This reservoir acts as a liquid bandage, providing constant lubrication and moisture to the ocular surface. By keeping the cornea hydrated, scleral lenses help alleviate the symptoms of dry eye.

When inserting scleral lenses, a saline solution is used to fill the gap between the lens and the cornea. This liquid reservoir creates a smooth and moist environment, reducing friction and irritation that can occur with other types of contact lenses. The fluid also acts as a barrier, protecting the cornea from exposure to air and other irritants.

Furthermore, the space between the lens and the cornea allows for better oxygen permeability, promoting a healthier environment for the eyes. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with dry eyes, as oxygen deprivation can exacerbate the symptoms of dryness and discomfort.

By providing a stable and moist environment for the cornea, scleral lenses offer relief for individuals suffering from dry eye syndrome, keratoconus, and those undergoing post-refractive keratectomy (RK) surgery.

Now that we have a foundational understanding of scleral lenses, let’s explore their specific benefits for dry eye relief in the next section.

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Dry Eye Relief with Scleral Lenses

For individuals suffering from dry eyes, finding effective relief can be a challenging journey. Fortunately, scleral lenses have emerged as a valuable solution for managing dry eye symptoms. In this section, we will explore the connection between dry eye and scleral lenses, as well as the benefits they offer for dry eye relief.

Scleral Lenses for Dry Eye Relief
Scleral Lenses for Dry Eye Relief

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The Connection Between Dry Eye and Scleral Lenses

Dry eye occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly, resulting in dryness, discomfort, and irritation. Traditional contact lenses can exacerbate these symptoms as they sit directly on the cornea, potentially causing further dryness and discomfort.

Scleral lenses, on the other hand, are designed to vault over the cornea, creating a reservoir of tears between the lens and the eye. This unique design allows for increased hydration and lubrication, providing relief for dry eyes. By fitting securely on the sclera (the white part of the eye), scleral lenses offer a more stable and comfortable solution for individuals with dry eye.

Benefits of Scleral Lenses for Dry Eye Relief

Scleral lenses offer several key benefits that make them an excellent option for dry eye relief:

Moisture Retention:

The space between the back surface of the lens and the cornea acts as a reservoir for artificial tears or lubricating solutions. This moisture helps to keep the eyes hydrated and lubricated throughout the day.


Scleral lenses provide a protective barrier over the cornea, shielding it from environmental irritants and reducing the risk of further dryness and discomfort.

Improved Visual Acuity:

Due to their unique design, scleral lenses can correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. This allows individuals with dry eyes to experience clear and comfortable vision.

Longer Wear Time:

Scleral lenses are known for their extended wear time. Since they do not rest directly on the cornea, they can be worn for longer periods without causing discomfort. However, it’s important to follow your eye care professional’s recommendations regarding lens wear and care.


Scleral lenses are custom-made to fit each individual’s unique eye shape and prescription. This ensures a comfortable fit and optimal vision correction.

It’s important to note that proper fitting and regular follow-up visits with an eye care professional are crucial when using scleral lenses for dry eye relief. Your eye care professional will assess your specific needs and guide you through the fitting process to ensure the best possible outcome.

Scleral lenses have provided significant relief for individuals with dry eye, allowing them to regain comfort and clarity of vision. If you’re interested in exploring scleral lenses further, consult with an eye care professional who specializes in fitting these lenses. They will be able to assess your specific needs and determine whether scleral lenses are a suitable option for your dry eye symptoms.

Scleral Lenses for Keratoconus

Individuals with keratoconus often face challenges in finding suitable vision correction options. Fortunately, Scleral Lenses offer a promising solution for managing this condition. Let’s explore how scleral lenses help manage keratoconus and the advantages they offer to keratoconus patients.

How Scleral Lenses Help Manage Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a progressive eye disorder characterized by the thinning and bulging of the cornea, resulting in irregular astigmatism and blurred vision. Standard contact lenses may not provide adequate visual correction due to the irregular shape of the cornea. This is where scleral lenses come into play.

Scleral lenses are larger in diameter compared to traditional contact lenses, and they vault over the entire cornea, resting on the white part of the eye called the sclera. This unique design creates a space between the lens and the cornea, filled with a saline solution. By doing so, scleral lenses effectively bypass the irregularities of the cornea, providing a smooth optical surface for better visual acuity.

The tear reservoir between the lens and the cornea acts as a liquid cushion, improving comfort and reducing friction. This can be particularly beneficial for patients with keratoconus, as the tear film helps to protect the cornea and alleviate symptoms of dryness and irritation.

5 Advantages of Scleral Lenses for Keratoconus Patients

Scleral lenses offer several advantages for individuals with keratoconus:

Improved Visual Acuity:

By providing a smooth and regular optical surface, scleral lenses can significantly improve visual acuity for individuals with keratoconus. This allows for clearer and sharper vision, enhancing overall visual quality.

Enhanced Comfort:

The tear reservoir created by the scleral lenses helps to keep the cornea hydrated and lubricated throughout the day. This can alleviate discomfort associated with dryness and reduce the risk of corneal abrasions.

Stable Fit:

The larger size of scleral lenses promotes a more stable fit on the eye, reducing lens movement and associated visual fluctuations. This stability ensures consistent vision and enhances the overall comfort of wearing the lenses.

UV Protection:

Scleral lenses, being larger and covering the entire cornea, provide additional protection against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. This can help safeguard the eye from potential UV-related damage.


Scleral lenses are individually designed and fitted to each patient’s unique eye shape and condition. This customization ensures optimal comfort, fit, and visual correction for keratoconus patients.

It’s important to consult with an eye care professional experienced in fitting scleral lenses to determine the most suitable option for your specific needs. Proper fitting and ongoing care are crucial for maximizing the benefits of scleral lenses and managing keratoconus effectively.

By understanding how scleral lenses assist in managing keratoconus and the advantages they offer, individuals with this condition can make informed decisions about their vision correction options. Remember to consult with an eye care professional to determine if scleral lenses are the right choice for you.

Scleral Lenses for Extreme Dry Eyes

For individuals who suffer from severe dry eye symptoms, finding relief can be a challenging task. However, scleral lenses have emerged as a promising solution for addressing extreme dry eyes. These specialized contact lenses provide both moisture and relief for individuals with severe dry eye conditions.

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Addressing Severe Dry Eye Symptoms with Scleral Lenses

Severe dry eye symptoms can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, causing discomfort, irritation, and blurred vision. Traditional contact lenses may exacerbate these symptoms due to their direct contact with the cornea. However, scleral lenses offer a unique design that sets them apart.

Scleral lenses are larger in diameter compared to regular contact lenses, covering not only the cornea but also the surrounding sclera (white part of the eye). When inserted, these lenses create a reservoir of artificial tears between the lens and the cornea. This reservoir acts as a protective barrier, preventing the cornea from direct exposure to the environment and reducing dryness and irritation.

The tear-filled space created by scleral lenses helps to moisturize the cornea by providing a continuous supply of lubrication throughout the day. This moisture acts as a shield against external irritants, reducing discomfort and promoting clear vision. Additionally, the tear-filled space can help to improve the stability of the tear film, reducing evaporation and further alleviating dry eye symptoms.

How Scleral Lenses Provide Moisture and Relief

The key to the moisture and relief provided by scleral lenses lies in the process of scleral lens fitting. During a fitting, an eye care professional carefully measures the dimensions of the patient’s eye and selects a scleral lens with an appropriate diameter and curvature. This customized fit ensures that the lens sits comfortably on the sclera, allowing for the formation of the tear reservoir.

The reservoir is filled with a saline solution or preservative-free artificial tears before inserting the lens into the eye. As the lens settles in place, it traps this solution against the cornea, creating a stable and moisturizing environment. The tear reservoir not only provides lubrication but also allows for the exchange of oxygen between the eye and the surrounding environment, promoting ocular health.

It’s important to note that the fitting and insertion of scleral lenses require professional guidance. An eye care specialist can guide patients on proper scleral lens insertion techniques and recommend suitable solutions for lens care and maintenance. Regular follow-up visits are also essential to ensure the ongoing comfort and effectiveness of scleral lenses.

For individuals with extremely dry eyes, the use of scleral lenses can be life-changing. By providing continuous moisture and relief, these lenses offer a unique solution for managing severe dry eye symptoms. If you’re interested in exploring scleral lenses as an option for your dry eyes, consult with an eye care professional experienced in fitting and prescribing them.

Scleral Lenses Post RK Surgery

Managing Dry Eye Symptoms after Refractive Surgery

Refractive surgeries, such as radial keratotomy (RK), are performed to correct vision problems like nearsightedness or astigmatism. While these procedures can improve vision, they may also lead to dry eye symptoms as a common side effect. Dry eye occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly, causing discomfort and irritation.

After undergoing RK surgery, it’s not uncommon for patients to experience dry eye symptoms such as dryness, redness, grittiness, and blurry vision. These symptoms can be bothersome and may impact daily activities. Patients need to manage these symptoms effectively to ensure proper healing and visual comfort.

4 Role of Scleral Lenses in Post-RK Surgery Care

Scleral lenses have emerged as a valuable option for managing dry eye symptoms in patients who have undergone refractive surgeries like RK. These specialized contact lenses are designed to vault over the cornea, creating a reservoir of fluid between the lens and the eye. This reservoir helps to moisturize the ocular surface, provides comfort, and promotes healing.

By wearing scleral lenses, patients post-RK surgery can experience several benefits:

Increased Tear Stability:

Scleral lenses create a stable environment by holding a pool of saline solution against the eye’s surface. This helps to reduce tear evaporation and maintains a more stable tear film, alleviating dry eye symptoms.

Protection and Healing:

The space between the back surface of the lens and the cornea acts as a protective barrier, shielding the cornea from environmental irritants and providing a conducive environment for healing.

Improved Visual Acuity:

Scleral lenses can help to improve visual acuity by providing a smooth optical surface, compensating for irregularities in the cornea caused by RK surgery.

Comfortable Wear:

The liquid reservoir of the scleral lens provides a cushioning effect, resulting in a more comfortable wearing experience for patients with dry eyes.

It’s important to note that proper fitting and regular follow-up appointments with an eye care professional specializing in scleral lens fitting are crucial to ensure optimal results and comfort. The fitting process involves assessing the shape and size of the eye to select the most appropriate lens design. Proper care and maintenance of scleral lenses, including cleaning and storing them in a scleral lens solution, are essential for long-term use.

If you have undergone RK surgery and are experiencing dry eye symptoms, it may be worth exploring the potential benefits of scleral lenses. Consult with an optometrist or ophthalmologist who specializes in fitting scleral lenses to determine if they are suitable for your specific needs.

FAQs about Scleral Lenses for Dry Eye

Are scleral lenses comfortable to wear for individuals with dry eyes?

Yes, scleral lenses are designed to provide a comfortable and stable fit, making them suitable for individuals with dry eyes. The liquid reservoir between the lens and the cornea helps maintain moisture and reduce discomfort.

How do scleral lenses differ from traditional contact lenses in terms of dry eye relief?

Unlike traditional contact lenses that sit directly on the cornea, scleral lenses vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera. This unique design creates a reservoir of fluid, offering continuous lubrication and moisture to alleviate dry eye symptoms.

Can scleral lenses be customized for individual eye shapes and prescriptions?

Yes, scleral lenses are custom-made to fit each individual’s unique eye shape and prescription. This customization ensures a comfortable fit and optimal vision correction for dry eye relief.

Do scleral lenses provide protection against environmental irritants for individuals with dry eyes?

Yes, the larger size of scleral lenses acts as a protective barrier over the cornea, shielding it from environmental irritants. This helps reduce the risk of further dryness and discomfort.

Can scleral lenses be worn for an extended period, and do they require special care?

Scleral lenses are known for their extended wear time. However, it’s important to follow the recommendations of your eye care professional regarding lens wear and care. Regular follow-up appointments are crucial for monitoring the fit and addressing any concerns.


Scleral lenses offer a revolutionary solution for individuals experiencing dry eye symptoms. Their unique design, which involves vaulting over the cornea and creating a fluid reservoir, provides continuous moisture and relief. Customized to fit each individual’s eye shape, scleral lenses offer benefits such as moisture retention, protection, improved visual acuity, longer wear time, and customization.

For specific conditions like keratoconus, scleral lenses provide enhanced visual correction and comfort. Moreover, individuals who have undergone refractive surgeries like RK can find relief from post-surgery dry eye symptoms by using scleral lenses.

Consulting with an experienced eye care professional for proper fitting and guidance is essential for maximizing the benefits of scleral lenses. Whether you’re seeking relief for dry eyes, managing keratoconus, or recovering from refractive surgery, scleral lenses present a promising option for improved vision and comfort.

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