Biofinity Multifocal | 6 Pack


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You will also need to provide the doctor name, phone number, and your date of birth for us to confirm that validity of the prescription.
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Biofinity Multifocal contact lenses are designed to address the vision needs of individuals with presbyopia. Presbyopia is a common age-related condition that affects the eye’s ability to focus on close objects, leading to the need for reading glasses or bifocals. These multifocal lenses are made with advanced technology to provide clear vision at all distances, allowing wearers to comfortably see objects up close, far away, and everything in between.

The website offers a comprehensive overview of the features and benefits of Biofinity Multifocal lenses. It highlights their high oxygen permeability, which promotes healthier and more comfortable wearing experience. These lenses also feature Aquaform® Technology, a unique combination of material technologies that helps retain moisture, ensuring all-day comfort and hydration for the eyes.

CooperVision aims to provide a convenient and effective solution for individuals suffering from presbyopia through their Biofinity Multifocal contact lenses. The website serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking for information about these lenses, as well as for eye care practitioners seeking guidance on fitting and prescribing the most suitable multifocal lenses for their patients.


Lens type

Monthly disposable multifocal soft contact lenses

Package details

6 tinted soft contact lenses in buffered saline


Material and % of content

52% comfilcon A

Water % of content





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